News pg. 20

John Lewis' MARCH is the New York Times' #1 Bestseller!

August 23, 2013 / More →

Congratulations to Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell — their graphic novel March: Book One is on its way to becoming a bona fide phenomenon.

MARCH: BOOK ONE on the New York Times Bestseller list at #1!

Since the New York Times introduced its "Graphic Books" bestseller chart four years ago, Top Shelf has had several titles make the list -- but as usual, March: Book One is breaking records! This landmark graphic novel is our first time in the #1 position, all thanks to the powerful storytelling of Congressman Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, and the immense support of readers like you.

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Congressman John Lewis tells Stephen Colbert: "For 53 years, I've been getting into trouble"

August 14, 2013 / More →

Congressman John Lewis on The Colbert Report

The long-awaited day is here! US Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis' first graphic novel with Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell, March: Book One, is in stores everywhere... even in e-book form.

MARCH: BOOK ONE on The Colbert Report

And what better way to launch than with a funny and inspirational interview with Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central's smash hit The Colbert Report?

Stephen Colbert with MARCH: BOOK ONE

The two legends discussed the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington (where John Lewis was the youngest person on stage and Stephen Colbert was the youngest fetus in the audience), as well as new challenges ahead for voting rights in America, and of course the new graphic novel trilogy March.

Congressman John Lewis and Stephen Colbert learn about the 1957 comic book Martin Luther King & the Montgomery Story

To Stephen's joke about a comic book cheapening the dignity of the civil rights movement, Congressman Lewis pointed out that a 1957 comic book, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, was a significant influence on his generation of activists, and is now an inspiration for March. "So meeting Dr. King was like meeting Superman!?" Hard to argue with that, Stephen.

Click here to watch the full episode, or after the jump, watch the two segments with Congressman Lewis!

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Top Shelf's Comic-Con sparks media frenzy and sell-out success!

August 2, 2013 / More →

From the beginning, it was clear that this would be no ordinary Comic-Con.

After all, we were attempting the unthinkable: bringing 73-year-old Congressman John Lewis, the last living speaker from the 1963 March on Washington, a man who suffered police beatings and over 40 arrests in his fight to end racial discrimination, who went on to three decades in Congress and the Presidential Medal of Freedom... bringing this American icon into the throbbing heart of pop culture madness, Comic-Con International in San Diego.

But hey, if you've got a new comic book or graphic novel (like March: Book One), there's no better place on earth to launch it! This is the biggest pop culture event in America -- so when Congressman Lewis said he wanted to come, we moved heaven & earth to get his book ready in time for a special advance launch.

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THANK YOU for an incredible Comic-Con!

July 22, 2013 / More →

We are all worn out after this marathon week+weekend... but let us at least say THANK YOU for making Comic-Con 2013 a tremendous success, both in person at the San Diego Convention Center and online through our "Cyber-Con" digital sale. Together we're truly making history.

As soon as we get our feet back under us, we're eager to share all the wonderful news and lasting memories that came out of these past few days. So stay tuned!

The Third Annual Top Shelf CYBER-CON SALE, and more digital news!

July 17, 2013 / More →

All right, you've heard Congressman John Lewis is coming to Comic-Con for a special advance debut of his graphic novel March: Book One... and heard all about the rest of our incredible line-up for Comic-Con... but what about the rest of the world who won't be jammed into the San Diego Convention Center next week? Not to worry, folks -- we've got good news for you too!

Starting this morning and running through the end of Sunday (July 17-21), Top Shelf is throwing our biggest ever digital comics sale! Whichever vendor or format you like -- Comixology, Apple iBookstore, Amazon Kindle, and beyond -- we've got deals so irresistible you'll be able to grab some new releases, catch up on acclaimed titles you've been meaning to check out, and have plenty of cash left over to take a chance on something you never considered! All for the price of a couple movie tickets.

We're talking $3.99 for this year's Eisner nominees Harvey Pekar's Cleveland and Wizzywig. $3.99 for massive award-winning classics like From Hell, Box Office Poison, and Alec: The Years Have Pants. $3.99 for fan-favorite modern masterpieces like Swallow Me Whole, Infinite Kung Fu, and The Underwater Welder. $2.99 for Top Shelf essentials like Clumsy, Far Arden, and The Surrogates. Beloved all-ages series like Dragon Puncher, Johnny Boo, Korgi, and Pirate Penguin vs. Ninja Chicken for $1.99 -- some as low as 99 cents! Scroll down for more highlights, or click through for the complete list: Top Shelf "Cyber-Con" Digital Comics Sale!

And that's not all -- we're also kicking off Cyber-Con with a few new digital releases!

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Top Shelf's Comic-Con is HUUUGE!

July 13, 2013 / More →

You know about our massive plans for March: Book One with Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell... But that's just the beginning of our Comic-Con extravaganza!

Rob Harrell debuts the delightful MONSTER ON THE HILL!

Acclaimed comic strip artist Rob Harrell joins the Top Shelf family with a thrilling, funny, and beautifully drawn graphic novel adventure, set to charm the pants off readers of all ages. He's coming out from Texas for his first ever Comic-Con, so give him a warm welcome... and there might just be some Monster on the Hill trading cards there too!

Mark Russell & Shannon Wheeler launch the faithfully funny GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!

This comedy adaptation of the Bible isn't just a wry and witty take on the world's most popular book -- it's a surprisingly authentic condensation of the original text. This is a hilarious read that appeals to cynics and believers alike, as well as a gorgeous gift object with sumptuous production values. And now's your chance to get it signed by the authors! Well, by Mark and Shannon anyway. Getting God's signature is up to you.

Jeffrey Brown reveals "his most personal work to date," A MATTER OF LIFE!

At the same time that Jeffrey's DARTH VADER parenting books are blowing the lid off bestseller lists, he's also pushed himself to tackle the big questions in this stunning meditation on fatherhood and faith -- and in full color! NPR says it "will sit next to Craig Thompson's Blankets as one of the most touching and wise graphic memoirs we have about growing up in a religious household."

Zander Cannon takes you all to HECK!

Acclaimed cartoonist Zander Cannon has decades of experience on high-profile projects from Alan Moore to Transformers -- but only now has he brought those mighty talents to bear on a full-length solo graphic novel! And boy, Heck is a powerful book, in every sense -- thrilling muscular action, elegantly chunky ink-work, and intense emotional stakes. Meet Zander and grab the regular hardcover or the deluxe signed & numbered bundle!

Unmissable programming!

The Comic Art Creations of Civil Rights Legends - Tying into March, Andrew Aydin and other scholars discuss the history of comics in the civil rights movement. (Friday, 1pm, Room 26AB)
Spotlight on Jeffrey Brown - Spilling the beans on his three new books this year, and more! (Friday, 4:30pm, Room 8)
March: Book One - a feature presentation with Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, & Nate Powell! (Saturday, 10AM, Room 23ABC)
Top Shelf Productions - featuring our top talents sharing behind-the-scenes gold, and exclusive breaking news on the digital comics front! (Saturday, noon, Room 4)
Beautiful Books: Graphic Design in Comics and Graphic Novels, featuring our own Chris Ross working his visual magic! (Saturday, 5pm, Room 4)

Plus many more great cartoonists: here's the full lineup!

See you in San Diego...

And stay tuned for one more update coming soon, with a massive bundle of digital news for those who can't make it to Comic-Con!

Critics agree: MARCH is outstanding! Now get a signed copy at Comic-Con!

July 12, 2013 / More →

Now that we're a month away from the official release date of March: Book One (the first in a trilogy of graphic novels by Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell), major reviews are starting to come in. As you may or may not know, all the top book-industry review journals issue "starred reviews" for titles they consider outstanding in their field. One starred review is lovely… more than one, and you've got something really special on your hands. So, how does March stack up? See for yourself:

"Dazzling... a grand work." Booklist (starred review)

"A powerful tale of courage and principle igniting sweeping social change, told by a strong-minded, uniquely qualified eyewitness... the heroism of those who sat and marched... comes through with vivid, inspiring clarity." Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"Lewis's remarkable life has been skillfully translated into graphics... Segregation’s insult to personhood comes across here with a visual, visceral punch. This version of Lewis’s life story belongs in libraries to teach readers about the heroes of America." Library Journal (starred review)

That's right, we're three for three so far! But now it's time for the verdict from those who really matter -- YOU, the readers. Which leads to our next item…

MARCH comes to Comic-Con!

Comic-Con International in San Diego is the biggest show in America -- so when Congressman Lewis said he wanted to come, we moved heaven & earth to get the book ready in time. As a result, we're very pleased to confirm the special advance debut of March: Book One at Comic-Con next week, along with all three creators: Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell. Come by the Top Shelf booth (#1721), meet a true American icon, and be the first to scoop up a signed copy of this piece of history!

What's more, we'll also have copies of a limited HARDCOVER edition, as well as a limited SIGNED & NUMBERED HARDCOVER edition of MARCH: BOOK ONE, available exclusively from Top Shelf.

PLUS: don't miss the MARCH team's feature presentation, Saturday morning at 10AM in room 23, as they share the story of MARCH and how it came to be! Click here to RSVP!

America's libraries go wild for MARCH!

Finally, we have to share some memories of the MARCH team's triumphant visit to the American Library Association's annual conference. It was as huge a success as the BookExpo, with librarians scooping up our March Teacher's Guide, packing the auditorium for a feature presentation by Congressman Lewis and the boys, and standing in long lines for a chance to meet the authors and get a signed preview booklet.

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Major new releases now in stores: HECK, CRATER XV, and A MATTER OF LIFE!

June 20, 2013 / More →

It's a deluge of long-awaited new releases from Top Shelf this week!


One year ago, Kevin Cannon and Zander Cannon, the fabulous studio-mates and not-brothers, let their powers combine for the bold experimental digital-comics magazine Double Barrel. Now, as that serial wraps up, its beautiful spawn has arrived: two thrilling hardcovers!

Kevin's is the sequel to his beloved first graphic novel Far Arden, bringing ornery sea-dog Army Shanks to the Arctic space-race mystery of Crater XV! It's somehow 96 pages longer than the already-brick-like Far Arden, and so far critics agree that it's even better! Find out for yourself today. [also available in a deluxe signed & numbered bundle!]

Meanwhile, Zander brings his terrific chunky black ink-work to bear on an infernally haunting story: Heck! This underworld quest is a thrill-ride to be sure, but packed with moral quandaries and unforgettable imagery in the rich tradition of Dante. You'll want to read it more than once, to unravel the layers of story and marvel at how the art says so much with so little. Go to Heck! [also available in a deluxe signed & numbered bundle!]

Finally, after phenomenal smash success with the Star Wars parenting comedies Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess, Jeffrey Brown is "bringing it all back home" with a personal take on fatherhood, full of touching slices of life that quietly add up to a powerful statement about family and faith. It's A Matter of Life, his first full-color work of autobiography, available now in a lovely hardcover from any retailer. If you've ever been a parent, or a child, there's a lot for you here.

Congressman John Lewis wows BookExpo crowds with MARCH: BOOK ONE!

June 7, 2013 / More →

Congressman John Lewis at BookExpo America 2013

BookExpo America, held last weekend in New York, is the American book industry's biggest trade show -- and also happened to be the first event in our long promotional tour with Congressman John Lewis for his graphic novel with Andrew Aydin & Nate Powell, March: Book One! And judging from the reaction, we're off to a fantastic start.

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Amazing news about MARCH: BOOK ONE!

May 29, 2013 / More →

You may remember our earlier announcement of March, the graphic novel trilogy by US Congressman and legendary civil rights icon John Lewis, co-written by Andrew Aydin and drawn by Nate Powell. Now, after many months of preparation, March: Book One is officially ready for pre-order to comic shops through this month's Diamond Previews -- and to celebrate, we have some incredible news to share!

President Bill Clinton on MARCH!

We are pleased to announce that March: Book One will feature a back cover blurb from none other than the 42nd President of the United States! To the best of our knowledge, this is the first graphic novel ever endorsed by an American president:

"Congressman John Lewis has been a resounding moral voice in the quest for equality for more than 50 years, and I'm so pleased that he is sharing his memories of the Civil Rights Movement with America's young leaders. In March, he brings a whole new generation with him across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, from a past of clenched fists into a future of outstretched hands."
— President Bill Clinton


We are also delighted to announce that Congressman Lewis will appear on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report to promote March on its release day, August 13th! Not long thereafter, he'll head to CNN for State of the Union with Candy Crowley!

Comics luminaries such as Joe Quesada, Neil Gaiman, Garry Trudeau, and Marjane Satrapi have appeared on The Colbert Report, but this is the first time a guest has been invited specifically to promote a graphic novel on this hippest of late-night shows.

Plus: catch him streaming live at 5 PM this Friday, May 31, on Huffington Post Live... and stay tuned for more media updates!

MARCH in the classroom!

One of Congressman Lewis' chief goals for the March trilogy is to engage the next generation of readers, in order to keep the lessons of the civil rights movement alive. So Top Shelf is proud to present an 11-page Teacher's Guide to March: Book One, developed by comics/education expert Peter Gutierrez, packed full of resources for using this graphic novel in the grade 6-12 classroom and beyond. It even includes correlations to national & state standards for English and Social Studies! Teachers and librarians can download this guide today, absolutely free, and get ready to teach March: Book One in the fall.

MARCH on the road!

We have an amazing coast-to-coast presentation tour lined up for Rep. Lewis. Even before the book comes out, he and his co-creators will be spreading the message of March with feature presentations at:

BookExpo America in New York (speaker at VIP author breakfast with Chris Matthews, Diana Gabaldon, and Helen Fielding, Saturday June 1)
American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago (featured auditorium speaker, Saturday June 29)
Comic-Con International in San Diego (special guest, July 20-21)
National Conference of African American Librarians near Cincinnati (closing keynote speaker, August 11)

Many more appearances, including festivals and in-store signings, will be announced shortly!

MARCH in your hands!

March: Book One comes out in less than three months -- which means you can now pre-order it from your favorite retailer! So let your bookseller know how important this book is to you, and help us launch this landmark graphic novel with as big a splash as possible.

March: Book One, a deluxe softcover graphic novel with french flaps and black & white interiors, 6.5" x 9.5", 128 pages.
-- ISBN 978-1-60309-300-2
-- $14.95 (US)
-- Release Date: August 13, 2013.

For more information and a 14-page preview, visit

Rediscover a masterpiece with THE FROM HELL COMPANION, out now!

May 17, 2013 / More →

At long last! After ten years of labor to produce the original From Hell graphic novel, followed by nearly fifteen years of international success and critical adulation, British comic-book geniuses Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell have returned to revisit their masterpiece of Victorian murder and madness.

Behold: The FROM HELL Companion.

The From Hell Companion by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell
The From Hell Companion by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell
The From Hell Companion by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell

288 pages of Alan Moore's original scripts and sketches, suffused with art and commentary by Eddie Campbell. As the critics say, it's "an essential complement to From Hell."

Grab yours today!

Top Shelf! Toronto! TCAF!!

May 10, 2013 / More →

Image for Top Shelf! Toronto! TCAF!!

One of the hemisphere's finest comic shows, the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, is upon us -- or maybe we are upon it! The Top Shelf team is geared up for a massive show, with a bevy of cartoonists;

See you in Toronto!

Jess Fink says WE CAN FIX IT today!

May 8, 2013 / More →

Image for Jess Fink says WE CAN FIX IT today!

Time-travelers and fans of kissing rejoice! The funny and fantastic Jess Fink (author of the sweet and sexy Chester 5000) returns to stores everywhere today with the utterly charming We Can Fix It!

WCFI! is a "time travel memoir" about futuristic jumpsuits, sexy self-smooches, and wrestling with regret. It's all the romance and drama and comedy of Chester 5000, applied to a much more personal story and filtered through the sci-fi trappings of time-travel fiction. But don't take our word for it -- click through for praise from Kate Beaton, Ryan North, Joey Comeau, Booklist, and Comics Bulletin!

(NOTE: While Chester 5000 is for adults only due to explicit content, We Can Fix It! is suitable for mature readers 16+.)

And that's not all: Jess will be launching We Can Fix It! in person at TCAF this weekend in Toronto, so come on out and get a signed copy!

Two very special debuts: Monster on the Hill and God Is Disappointed in You!

April 30, 2013 / More →

Dear friends,

It's always a pleasure when we get to bring you something new. This month, we announce TWO special projects that we're especially proud of, bringing new faces -- and a lot of fun -- into the Top Shelf family!


Rob Harrell is a veteran of newspaper comic strips, but his first graphic novel -- MONSTER ON THE HILL -- is something truly amazing. The buzz is already fantastic, with praise rolling in from Neil Gaiman, Jeff Smith, Richard Thompson, and The AV Club's Noel Murray!

GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU by Mark Russell & Shannon Wheeler

Meanwhile, Portland writer Mark Russell and renowned cartoonist Shannon Wheeler have created a book that must be seen to be believed. GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU is the "condensed" version of the Bible you never knew you needed -- witty, cynical, and surprisingly lucid -- published as a deluxe Bible-style hardcover with all the trimmings!

PLUS: Matt Kindt fans rejoice -- SUPER SPY returns with a new printing!

You can pre-order all these titles now from your favorite store, for release in July. And as always, click through for beautiful preview pages!

Jeffrey Brown in Chicago! James Kochalka in Portland! What a weekend!

April 25, 2013 / More →

Image for Jeffrey Brown in Chicago! James Kochalka in Portland! What a weekend!

Once again the Top Shelf team hits the road this weekend, setting up to meet YOU at two great conventions thousands of miles apart.

In Portland, Oregon, come out to the Stumptown Comics Festival to meet special guest James Kochalka, returning to Portland for the first time in many years! He'll be discussing comics for kids (like Johnny Boo and the award-winning Dragon Puncher series), sharing secrets of his boundary-pushing animated series SuperF*ckers, and much more. Plus all our latest & greatest books are yours for the buying!

At the same time, those of you near Chicago, Illinois, can meet hometown hero Jeffrey Brown at C2E2, debuting not one but TWO new books! Fans of his bestselling Star Wars comedy Darth Vader and Son rejoice, as we'll have copies of the brand-new sequel Vader's Little Princess courtesy of Chronicle Books. What's more, we'll also have a special advance debut of Jeffrey's next landmark of autobiography, A Matter of Life, a gorgeous full-color hardcover! See you in Chicago!