News pg. 20

Kick off 2014 with a laugh: new comedies from Alan Moore & Liz Prince!

December 3, 2013 / More →

Top Shelf launches an outstanding 2014 season with two releases for February: a time for love, family, and togetherness… or at least hilarious deconstruction of those themes!

Pre-order these titles now with your local comics retailer (both featured in the current Diamond Previews catalog). Click through for more information and preview pages!

Alan Moore and Steve Parkhouse gleefully demolish British culture in THE BOJEFFRIES SAGA, now complete in a single volume with an all-new story!

You loved her relationship comics… But now Liz Prince is ALONE FOREVER!

Thanks for your support, and Happy Holidays!

THE MONTGOMERY STORY now available on more platforms!

November 20, 2013 / More →

Image for THE MONTGOMERY STORY now available on more platforms!

Two weeks ago, Top Shelf partnered with the Fellowship of Reconciliation and with comiXology to release the first-ever fully-authorized digital edition of the influential 1950s comic Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story, in an exclusive digital bundle with the bestselling graphic novel March: Book One. Following that launch, and the extensive segment on The Rachel Maddow Show exploring the connection between the two comics, interest has soared for The Montgomery Story, in both print and digital form.

So we're pleased to announce that, due to popular demand, Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story is now available on some of the most popular ebook platforms, including Amazon's Kindle store, Apple's iBookstore, and iVerse's Comics+, as well as independently on Comixology! As always, all our proceeds from this fully-authorized release will be donated to F.O.R., and the printed edition is also available.

Thanks to the Fellowship of Reconciliation, all our digital partners, and to YOU for your support of this timeless piece of comics history!

Massive Fall Digital Sale! Plus: Kindle MatchBook!

November 13, 2013 / More →

TWO big announcements from the world of Top Shelf Digital today:

First, we're kicking off a massive SALE, across all digital platforms, temporarily slashing prices on dozens of our most beloved graphic novels!

We don't have room to list them all here, but to give you a taste:

Go ahead, poke around, get lost in there! With prices like these, you really can't go wrong.

Add a digital edition to your print purchase with Kindle MatchBook!

On top of that, we know that many of you love the beauty of our books as physical objects, but also want the convenience of a digital edition that you can read on the go. So we're announcing that many of our books are now available in Amazon's Kindle MatchBook program! If you've bought certain Top Shelf titles from Amazon in the past, or will in the future, you have the option to scoop up a digital version for just a few bucks more! So far the program applies to titles like March: Book One, God Is Disappointed in You, From Hell, Essex County, Wizzywig, Monster on the Hill, Johnny Boo, Owly, and more! Head to Amazon's Kindle MatchBook page to see which of your purchases are eligible for this convenient digital add-on.

Watch the MARCH team tackle prime time with Rachel Maddow!

November 11, 2013 / More →

Congressman John Lewis and his graphic novel March: Book One are back on TV -- and this time he's got company! MSNBC's Rachel Maddow brought on Congressman Lewis and his collaborators Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell Thursday night for a live on-air interview, marking the first time The Rachel Maddow Show has featured the full creative team of a graphic novel. Watch here, or scroll down for a summary!

Maddow led off with a recap of Congressman Lewis' life and career, as well as the 1950s comic book that inspired the March project (now available in our new digital bundle).

Then she played a new 60-second animation of Nate Powell's art from the book, with voiceover by Congressman Lewis, before bringing on the three creators to discuss the book and its message.

The whole video's embedded after the jump, or you can click over to the Maddow site for additional bonus footage and even a sneak peek at Nate's sketches for Book Two!

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Discover the remarkable comic book that changed the world and inspired MARCH!

November 6, 2013 / More →

The new graphic novel series March, by Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, is a landmark for the comics industry and a genuine publishing phenomenon, bringing civil rights history to new life for new generations of readers. Now it's time for a new piece of the story to emerge.

As Congressman Lewis has explained in interviews, the March project is patterned after a comic book he read in the 1950s, which inspired him and many other young activists to join the movement and use the principles of nonviolence to battle racial discrimination.

That unique comic book was Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story, published in 1957-58 by the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Five decades later, Lewis mentioned it to his aide Andrew Aydin, who began researching the comic’s fascinating history, including the forgotten story of its creation and the numerous translations which have taken its message to activists in South Africa, Uruguay, Vietnam, Egypt, and beyond. Aydin soon graduated from Georgetown with a master’s thesis titled “The Comic Book That Changed the World,” and at the same time worked with Congressman Lewis and Nate Powell to carry on that tradition in the March trilogy.

Now Top Shelf has teamed up with the Fellowship of Reconciliation to produce the first ever fully-authorized digital edition of this historic comic book, as a companion to the bestselling graphic novel March: Book One. Exclusively through Comixology, you can download a digital bundle containing both March: Book One and The Montgomery Story for only $9.99! What's more, F.O.R. has also published a new physical reprint of The Montgomery Story, which you can order from Top Shelf right here.

All Top Shelf & Comixology fees and proceeds will be waived/donated to F.O.R., from your purchase of this timeless and globally influential piece of comic book history.

MARCH and Maddow - plus Al Gore and more!

November 5, 2013 / More →

The March team's latest adventures included thrilling crowds at the Southern Festival of Books, a meeting with former Vice President (and new March fan) Al Gore, and an in-depth interview on stage with Rachel Maddow for the University of Louisville's Kentucky Author Forum, which just aired on PBS Monday night! You can watch that captivating hour right here:

That's not all: the full team -- Congressman Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell -- will be guests on The Rachel Maddow Show, airing at 9pm on MSNBC tomorrow (Thursday, November 7th)! This will be their first TV studio appearance as a full trio, not to mention the first graphic novel guest in the history of the Maddow show. And if you're in New York, meet all three at their signing tomorrow at Midtown Comics' downtown location from 6-7!

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Celebrate Halloween with Rob Harrell's lovable MONSTER ON THE HILL!

October 31, 2013 / More →

Image for Celebrate Halloween with Rob Harrell's lovable MONSTER ON THE HILL!

Appropriately enough for this spooky season, Amazon's Comics Newsletter has a great Q&A with Monster on the Hill author Rob Harrell, with brand-new art of your favorite monsters -- in costume, of course!

Here's a sample:

What's the most fun thing about drawing monsters?

RH: I love the fact that there are no rules. You can literally do anything you want with a monster drawing. Sometimes I’ll just make some random lines and squiggles on a piece of paper and then start piecing them together to see what evolves. It’s really kind of therapeutic. You don’t have to worry about scale or symmetry or physics. You can just sort of let your mind wander and see what happens. That’s how Rayburn and Tentaculor, the main characters in Monster on the Hill, came about. They were sketches that turned into finished drawings that eventually led me to a story.

Click on over to read the interview!

Powell's Books picks GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU... and is not disappointed!

September 25, 2013 / More →

With a book this funny and profound, created by two Portland talents, it's no wonder that legendary Portland bookstore Powell's Books is keen on God Is Disappointed in You by Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler! Staff member Gigi says "Don't take this book to Sunday School unless you want to laugh your butt off and then go to Hell."

GIDIY staff pick at Powell's

Those kind words follow a super-successful signing at Powell's, where crowds turned out for a full evening of "weird Biblical entertainment," including animated videos, book readings, live audience-member-sketching, and musical interludes from the likes of "King" David Lindenbaum and more.

Don't miss the awe-inspiring pulpit/lectern Mark and Shannon performed from, after the jump:

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GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU comes to life in video trailer!

September 3, 2013 / More →

You already know those irreverent reverends Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler have produced God Is Disappointed in You, a gut-busting and thought-provoking comedy condensation of the Bible, presented as a gorgeous faux-leather-bound volume... But what do they do for an encore?

Whip together a jazzy spoken word performance, of course, with voiceover reading by Mark and all new cartoons from Shannon!

Check out the video above, or watch it on YouTube here, and pick up a copy of God Is Disappointed in You for all the saints and sinners on your gift list!

Jeff Lemire wins the Shuster Award!

August 25, 2013 / More →

Image for Jeff Lemire wins the Shuster Award!

Jeff Lemire is on a roll!

After winning top honors for his rural epic Essex County (the American Library Association’s Alex Award, the Doug Wright Award, and the Joe Shuster Award) and creating the beloved 3+ year serial Sweet Tooth, he returned to the graphic novel form with The Underwater Welder, immediately earning rave reviews from all corners: the New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, the CBC, Publishers Weekly, ComicsAlliance, Barnes & Noble Review, and countless more.

Now, not only has The Underwater Welder received two Harvey Award nominations, we're delighted to report that Jeff Lemire has just won the Joe Shuster Award — again! For the second time, he is officially the year's Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Cartoonist / Créateur Canadien Exceptionnel de Bandes Dessinées. The award recognizes his final year of Sweet Tooth as well as The Underwater Welder.

John Lewis' MARCH is the New York Times' #1 Bestseller!

August 23, 2013 / More →

Congratulations to Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell — their graphic novel March: Book One is on its way to becoming a bona fide phenomenon.

MARCH: BOOK ONE on the New York Times Bestseller list at #1!

Since the New York Times introduced its "Graphic Books" bestseller chart four years ago, Top Shelf has had several titles make the list -- but as usual, March: Book One is breaking records! This landmark graphic novel is our first time in the #1 position, all thanks to the powerful storytelling of Congressman Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, and the immense support of readers like you.

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Congressman John Lewis tells Stephen Colbert: "For 53 years, I've been getting into trouble"

August 14, 2013 / More →

Congressman John Lewis on The Colbert Report

The long-awaited day is here! US Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis' first graphic novel with Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell, March: Book One, is in stores everywhere... even in e-book form.

MARCH: BOOK ONE on The Colbert Report

And what better way to launch than with a funny and inspirational interview with Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central's smash hit The Colbert Report?

Stephen Colbert with MARCH: BOOK ONE

The two legends discussed the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington (where John Lewis was the youngest person on stage and Stephen Colbert was the youngest fetus in the audience), as well as new challenges ahead for voting rights in America, and of course the new graphic novel trilogy March.

Congressman John Lewis and Stephen Colbert learn about the 1957 comic book Martin Luther King & the Montgomery Story

To Stephen's joke about a comic book cheapening the dignity of the civil rights movement, Congressman Lewis pointed out that a 1957 comic book, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, was a significant influence on his generation of activists, and is now an inspiration for March. "So meeting Dr. King was like meeting Superman!?" Hard to argue with that, Stephen.

Click here to watch the full episode, or after the jump, watch the two segments with Congressman Lewis!

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Top Shelf's Comic-Con sparks media frenzy and sell-out success!

August 2, 2013 / More →

From the beginning, it was clear that this would be no ordinary Comic-Con.

After all, we were attempting the unthinkable: bringing 73-year-old Congressman John Lewis, the last living speaker from the 1963 March on Washington, a man who suffered police beatings and over 40 arrests in his fight to end racial discrimination, who went on to three decades in Congress and the Presidential Medal of Freedom... bringing this American icon into the throbbing heart of pop culture madness, Comic-Con International in San Diego.

But hey, if you've got a new comic book or graphic novel (like March: Book One), there's no better place on earth to launch it! This is the biggest pop culture event in America -- so when Congressman Lewis said he wanted to come, we moved heaven & earth to get his book ready in time for a special advance launch.

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THANK YOU for an incredible Comic-Con!

July 22, 2013 / More →

We are all worn out after this marathon week+weekend... but let us at least say THANK YOU for making Comic-Con 2013 a tremendous success, both in person at the San Diego Convention Center and online through our "Cyber-Con" digital sale. Together we're truly making history.

As soon as we get our feet back under us, we're eager to share all the wonderful news and lasting memories that came out of these past few days. So stay tuned!

The Third Annual Top Shelf CYBER-CON SALE, and more digital news!

July 17, 2013 / More →

All right, you've heard Congressman John Lewis is coming to Comic-Con for a special advance debut of his graphic novel March: Book One... and heard all about the rest of our incredible line-up for Comic-Con... but what about the rest of the world who won't be jammed into the San Diego Convention Center next week? Not to worry, folks -- we've got good news for you too!

Starting this morning and running through the end of Sunday (July 17-21), Top Shelf is throwing our biggest ever digital comics sale! Whichever vendor or format you like -- Comixology, Apple iBookstore, Amazon Kindle, and beyond -- we've got deals so irresistible you'll be able to grab some new releases, catch up on acclaimed titles you've been meaning to check out, and have plenty of cash left over to take a chance on something you never considered! All for the price of a couple movie tickets.

We're talking $3.99 for this year's Eisner nominees Harvey Pekar's Cleveland and Wizzywig. $3.99 for massive award-winning classics like From Hell, Box Office Poison, and Alec: The Years Have Pants. $3.99 for fan-favorite modern masterpieces like Swallow Me Whole, Infinite Kung Fu, and The Underwater Welder. $2.99 for Top Shelf essentials like Clumsy, Far Arden, and The Surrogates. Beloved all-ages series like Dragon Puncher, Johnny Boo, Korgi, and Pirate Penguin vs. Ninja Chicken for $1.99 -- some as low as 99 cents! Scroll down for more highlights, or click through for the complete list: Top Shelf "Cyber-Con" Digital Comics Sale!

And that's not all -- we're also kicking off Cyber-Con with a few new digital releases!

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