Thanks for a sell-out success at MoCCA!
April 13, 2010

The Swedish Invasion is officially a hit! Top Shelf packed heavy for the MoCCA Festival this past weekend in New York, knowing that we'd be joined by over half a dozen Swedish guests and debuting tons of new books... and still we sold out of almost every book we brought!
The three hot Swedish debuts (Hey Princess, The Troll King, and 120 Days of Simon) were definitely among the star books of the show. Check out this photo of authors Mats Jonsson, Kolbeinn Karlsson, and Simon Gärdenfors signing copies, and click here to see it full-size.
Thanks to all our Swedish friends, the hard-working MoCCA staff and volunteers, and most importantly the fans who came out to our Swedish Invasion pre-party at Rocketship and to the Festival!
Now the Invasion rolls on... to Chicago for C2E2 this weekend! Good thing we've got a whole new shipment of books on the way...

Mats Jonsson, Kolbeinn Karlsson, and Simon Gärdenfors hard at work. (photo by Jen Vaughn)

Chicago, you're next!