"[Keith Knight] deals with so many issues with both gravitas and such a light touch, while never missing a chance at a cheap laugh. This is the work of a master." -- David Eggers
"Intelligent, progressive, and damn funny comics." -- Boston’s Weekly Dig
THE K CHRONICLES: WHAT A LONG STRANGE STRIP IT'S BEEN is a semi-autobiographical comic strip by cartoonist/rapper Keith Knight that appears weekly on Salon.com and in many other fine publications (like the Pacific Sun, Las Vegas Mercury, Funny Times, and more). The strip is an unabashedly provocative mix of political and social satire; tackling such touchy subjects as racism, violence, and sex with a self-deprecating humor, personal honesty and light-hearted goofiness rarely found in a newspaper comic. The result is accessible yet subversive, compassionate and political, without being preachy. Described as a combination of Calvin & Hobbes and underground comix, THE K CHRONICLES has garnered a large fan base that includes Spike Lee, Matt Groening, Garry Trudeau, Dave Eggers and Maya Angelou. WHAT A LONG STRANGE STRIP IT'S BEEN will feature over one-hundred K CHRONICLES strips (including "Life's Little Victories"), plus some multi-page stories and strips that have never before seen print. Keith Knight, a fan favorite on the convention circuit, also raps with the San Francisco band The Marginal Prophets and is currently developing an animated series for Nickelodeon. -- 128 pages.