News / This is God's weekend! (Well, in Portland at least...)

This is God's weekend! (Well, in Portland at least...)

September 13, 2013

God is Disappointed in You authors Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler will be on hand this Sunday night at Powell's downtown store here in Portland. 7:30 p.m. Come say hello, and pray that you're on the correct side of the conversation. (Who wants to burn in Hell right?)

Here's Mark and Shannon Talking Comics with Tim (O'Shea)!

One more time, Mark and Kalah Allan's terrific God trailer.

And some review sound bites for your reading pleasure:
"I chuckled at God Is Disappointed in You before I even cracked it open…."
—Bob Duggan, Big Think

"...educational, utterly hilarious, and wholly engaging. Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler have crafted a book you won’t be able to put down. Unless you’re a zealot…then you’re going to throw the thing across the room."
—Chris Delloiacono, The Trades

"This is so funny I have been crying with laughter."
—Stephen L. Holland, Page 45

"Stripped of its arcane language and interminable passages, every book of the Bible is condensed down to its core message, in no more than a few pages each...often shocking, sometimes blasphemous, but always funny with a huge heart. This is Sunday School for the information age."
—Brett Schenker, Graphic Policy

"[Writer] Mark Russell and [artist] Shannon Wheeler take ‘The Good Book’ and turn it into, well, a good book."
—Joedward Lewis, Geeks Unleashed

"With its near-constant commentary on economic inequality and the plight of the poor in the face of an oppressive upper class, God Is Disappointed in You is certainly timely, with lessons that feel more relevant today that at any other time in recent memory... The Bible itself may be timeless, but, with its playful ribbing and wit, God Is Disappointed in You is most certainly a book made for this moment."
—Brian Martin, Culture Mass

"Mark Russell reimagines Isaiah as a motivational speaker, Elisha as a marriage counselor, and God as a scrapbooker… Shannon Wheeler’s cartoons stand on their own, taking familiar bits from the Bible and stirring them up with equal doses of pop culture, humor, and irreverence. God Is Disappointed in You accomplishes an impressive goal: it takes the holy book—as inscrutable and culturally significant as it is—and makes it readable."
—Rebecca Kelley, The Rumpus

"Using numerous formats for this presentation, from Psalms presented as a Greatest Hits compilation to Revelations annotated with common theories as to the prophetic representations, God Is Disappointed in You is a wonderful path through an often unapproachable text… Illustrator Shannon Wheeler’s New Yorker-esque cartoons are great touchpoints used with care to either enhance the ongoing story or to view a story through a different lens. Sometimes surreal but always amusing, Wheeler applies a matching sardonic wit to his keep pace with the author."
—Jenny Christopher Randle, New York Journal of Books

"There are pop culture references scattered throughout God Is Disappointed in You... Historical epics flowing with sex and violence didn’t originate with Game of Thrones, as any of the raw, shocking, and downright strange events of the Old Testament show, and the sheer diversity that the Bible contains is more than enough material for some rib tickling productions, as can be seen in a handful of early episodes of The Simpsons."
—Kris Bather, Broken Frontier