Major new releases now in stores: HECK, CRATER XV, and A MATTER OF LIFE!
June 20, 2013
It's a deluge of long-awaited new releases from Top Shelf this week!

One year ago, Kevin Cannon and Zander Cannon, the fabulous studio-mates and not-brothers, let their powers combine for the bold experimental digital-comics magazine Double Barrel. Now, as that serial wraps up, its beautiful spawn has arrived: two thrilling hardcovers!
Kevin's is the sequel to his beloved first graphic novel Far Arden, bringing ornery sea-dog Army Shanks to the Arctic space-race mystery of Crater XV! It's somehow 96 pages longer than the already-brick-like Far Arden, and so far critics agree that it's even better! Find out for yourself today. [also available in a deluxe signed & numbered bundle!]
Meanwhile, Zander brings his terrific chunky black ink-work to bear on an infernally haunting story: Heck! This underworld quest is a thrill-ride to be sure, but packed with moral quandaries and unforgettable imagery in the rich tradition of Dante. You'll want to read it more than once, to unravel the layers of story and marvel at how the art says so much with so little. Go to Heck! [also available in a deluxe signed & numbered bundle!]
Finally, after phenomenal smash success with the Star Wars parenting comedies Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess, Jeffrey Brown is "bringing it all back home" with a personal take on fatherhood, full of touching slices of life that quietly add up to a powerful statement about family and faith. It's A Matter of Life, his first full-color work of autobiography, available now in a lovely hardcover from any retailer. If you've ever been a parent, or a child, there's a lot for you here.