Todd Klein spills psychedelic secrets of LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN: 1969!
January 4, 2011

The whole League of Extraordinary Gentlemen team -- Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill, Ben Dimagmaliw, and Todd Klein -- have been working hard to get the next mind-blowing League graphic novel ready... And they're starting to close in on the home stretch!
Now, letterer & designer Todd Klein shows off quite a few brand-new teaser images (and script excerpts!) in one of his always-enjoyable "behind the scenes" blog entries. What does a complete Alan Moore script look like all piled up? How carefully does Kevin O'Neill plan his page layouts? How do four guys scattered across the world collaborate seamlessly on the greatest metafictional post-Victorian action-adventure comic book in human history? Most importantly, how do you draw an acid trip!? The answers await you!