"Pay What You Want" for 25 of our greatest books — and support great charities — with Humble Bundle!
January 10, 2018

Our friends at Humble Bundle are offering one heck of a deal, starting today and running for the next two weeks only. The result is a win-win that supports The Hero Initiative's work with comic creators in need and Traveling Stories' work providing books to underprivileged kids — while introducing you to a few of your new favorite graphic novels!
Name your own price, and for as little as $1, you'll get DRM-free digital editions of books that will knock your socks off, with more and more books "unlocked" as you scale up.
What's inside? Erin Nations' powerfully personal Gumballs, Nate Powell's Eisner-Award-winning Swallow Me Whole, Jeff Lemire's heartbreaking Essex County, Jennifer Hayden's profoundly moving The Story of My Tits, Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill's jaw-dropping League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Robert Venditti & Brett Weldele's bestselling The Surrogates, Alex Robinson's beloved Box Office Poison, Shannon Wheeler's hilarious Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump, Eddie Campbell's life-changing Alec: The Years Have Pants... and that's barely scratching the surface! It's your whole 2018 reading list taken care of in one click — or an incredible gift for someone dear to you.
Visit Humble Bundle for more details and to grab your bundle today!