Catalog / Kathryn and Stuart Immonen

Kathryn and Stuart Immonen

Kathryn and Stuart Immonen have been making comics together for more than twenty years. Kathryn grew up with Astérix and Archie, Stuart with Spider-man and Donald Duck; they came together over Tintin, Daredevil and Mister X.

Stuart has worked for virtually every comics publisher (extant and extinct) and is best known for such diverse work as Nextwave, Superman: Secret Identity, and Ultimate Spider-man. Kathryn has written stories for both DC and Marvel, including the sleeper hit miniseries Patsy Walker: Hellcat. Together they recently completed the special edition of Never As Bad As You Think for BOOM! Studios and are moving on to their next project, Russian Olive to Red King.

They live in a castle in the sky in London, Ontario with their very tall son and their very bad dog.