Adam Del Re
Adam Del Re is a New York born, Connecticut raised, Illustrator and Storyteller. He received his BFA from the University of Connecticut in 2011, and for nearly if not his whole life Adam has dreamt of professionally illustrating only superheroes. It wasn’t until Adam’s last year of his undergraduate career that he realized that he, personally, could create compelling narratives from events in his own life. And so began Adam’s detailed quest to vigorously illustrate stories about every significant and insignificant event in his life. His first full length, and most successful narrative, is Oma, a story which explores the reality of a family trauma forcing adulthood on someone who least wants it. Each page of original art for Oma is an 18x24” screen-print, which is now proudly featured here at Top Shelf Productions.
Contact Adam here: amdelre89@gmail.com
Visit Adam online here: http://www.adamdelre.com/
Read Adam’s diary here: http://adamdelre.tumblr.com/