Two SUPER books coming in March... Order them now!
January 14, 2010

For this month's catalog solicits, James Kochalka and Matt Kindt both have big releases available for pre-order, so they teamed up to produce this killer ad showcasing both of their books!
James Kochalka presents the long-awaited, vinyl-covered, rainbow-hued all-in-one collection of SUPERF*CKERS, the raunchiest and most hilarious super-book in human history! You get all four issues plus the all-new Jack Krak special, in a single super volume.
Matt Kindt, meanwhile, has been cooking up a super secret smorgasbord of spy stuff to follow up his Eisner-nominated breakthrough (and Wizard's Indy Book of the Year) Super Spy! Super Spy: The Lost Dossiers is a 96-page compendium of new stories, puzzles, codes, annotations, 3-D comics, and more!
CLICK HERE to see the awesome tag-team poster in its full glory! And remember, talk to your local comic retailer and ask to pre-order these books by name!