"Eccentrically impressive." -- Ray Olson, Booklist
"Nobody can touch Renee French for sweet fiendishness." -- Jim Woodring
"Renee French has long been one of my favorite artists and she doesn't disappoint in her latest work. Tiny creatures in tiny drawings with lots of crapballs makes this another freakish delight that also winds up being strangely touching." -- Jenna Fischer (NBC's The Office)
Micrographica takes Renée French's Ignatz award nominated online strip of the same name and turns it way up. A mob of tiny rodents live la vida loca, led by the trash-talking bully Moe, and his trash-talking sidekick Preston. Add in Nubbins, the big guy; poor, sweet crapball-lovin' Aldo; and a rotting corpse turned playground, and you'll never find a more moving affirmation of traditional values. Inspired by a bald bird sighting while the author was wandering Hunter's Hill in Sydney, Australia, this book is pure weirdness -- just what Renée French fans dream of. With guest drawings by Jim Woodring, Penn Jillette, Dean Cameron, Dylan Williams, James Gunn and more.