"Crisp of line and hypnotically peculiar, Hanshaw deftly suspends us between dream and reality, as good comics do. As in life, the harder we look the more we see, and the stranger things invariably become." — Shaun Tan
"[Cloud Hotel's] panel layouts and richly colored mise-en-scène are impressively imaginative. As if Philip K. Dick wrote a teen graphic novel." — Publishers Weekly
"Julian Hanshaw’s Cloud Hotel is a beautifully rendered and engrossingly weird work of autobiographical fiction... a trippy, absorbing story with touching family moments and a wondrous depiction of another reality." — Bookpage
Praise for Julian Hanshaw:
"Understated, wryly observed, and welcome." — Dave McKean
"Exquisitely realized. Deeply rewarding." — Booklist (starred review)
"Awe-inspiring... Emotive subject matter tackled with grace and serenity." — Broken Frontier
"One of the best written pieces of graphic novel fiction I have read this year." — Page 45
Remco knows he is special. He was chosen. He reckons God took a shine to him, when a bright light in a clear northern sky brought him to the incredible Cloud Hotel. It’s a palace of wonders, an escape from the world, and a place to be alone… well, almost alone.
But now it’s time to check out, and the hotel’s last two guests must race against time to find what’s been lost, before they overstay their welcome.
In this "sci-fi autobiography," L.A. Times Book Prize finalist Julian Hanshaw (Tim Ginger) offers a feast of visual imagination and quiet intensity that will haunt readers’ dreams long after the book is closed. -- a 176-page, full-color softcover graphic novel with flaps, 6.5” x 9”