Catalog / Vincent Stall

Vincent Stall

Vincent Stall

Vincent Stall, a.k.a. King Mini, has produced a meager amount of comics for someone working at it for well over 1,825 days now. His work has been seen most recently in the Meathaus anthology, as well as his self-published comics, 5M The Busline Diary and Jetsom, now available at In years past his chicken scratch line could be found buried in the pages of Attitude Lad, Negative Burn, and Murder Can be Fun. Mr Stall has promised to change his lackadaisical ways. Starting in 2003, Mr Stall will commit himself to creating
comics of excellence. Working with the passion of a man half his age, Mr Stall has completed short stories for the publications Rosetta and Project Telstar. Nearing completion, his first fully realized story, Brass Tack (scheduled for publication by Top Shelf), is said to include a mixture of both words and images working together in an attempt to tell a cohesive story.